Oregon Coast in January: Moon Jellyfish
Are you visiting the Oregon Coast in January? Be sure to look for Moon Jellyfish along the beaches.

Oregon Coast weather in January can vary from day to day.
In amongst the calm and balmy days, you'll find enough winter storms to please avid Oregon Coast storm watchers. Check out more about off season weather here. While it mentioned our Manzanita area, it applies for the whole Coastline.
And with winter storms come various ocean items that wash up on the beaches, also making for great beach combing.
What's washing up on the Oregon Coast this January?
Moon Jellyfish!
Check out how beautiful they are in the ocean.
You'll note that local marine biologists are telling people to not touch them.
While moon jellies typically don't sting, but there are other jellyfish that do sting, sometimes stinging after death.
Where else can you see Moon Jellyfish?
Take a trip to the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport Oregon!

Check out these other fun Jellyfish facts:
- Jellyfish don't have brains
- Jellyfish never get tangled up - even though some have tentacles over 88 feet long
- Jellyfish are able to clone themselves
- Jellyfish have gone into space - 1991 in the Space Shuttle Columbia
- Jellyfish have the best names for a "group" - a smack, a bloom, or a swarm
- Jellyfish are made up of almost ... nothing! Water makes up to 98% of a jellyfish.

Happy Travels Everyone ~
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