Manzanita Beach Life 9/11
One of the cool things for me in writing this blog entitled Manzanita Beach Life is ... I write this blog.
Today, in Manzanita Oregon, we stop and take time on 9/11 to be thankful for all we have.
In other words, I'm able to share all my own experience about what makes our area great.
And sometimes I stretch our Manzanita Beach area, and share experiences outside Manzanita Oregon and our beachfront Oregon Coast Vacation Rentals.

After Labor Day in 2016, I took my son on a much-anticipated trip to Washington DC as a promised high school graduation gift before he leaves for college. Over the years we've tried to gift experiences as opposed to lots of "things."
Off we went, on a non-stop flight, ready to experience all our nation's capital has to offer. My son in the window seat, and I in the aisle seat of the same row.
Sitting between us was a very nice guy who, upon finding we were headed to Washington DC on vacation, immediately asked my son "Did you bring your soccer cleats?"

And invited him to play at his regular noon game.
That's a great example of what Manzanita Oregon, really Manzanita Beach Life is about -- friendly people going out of their way to extend a warm welcome and include others in the fun!
Turns out our middle seat friend Dave Nanney doesn't play in just any regular old soccer group; he's an organizing member of The Pentagon Soccer Club. He's now retired from the Army, but the group welcomes those currently serving, retired, friends, and family. And a teen traveling to Washington DC with his Mom.
You can see a video about them here:
They play to enjoy the outdoors, share in the fun and laughter, and help others needing support. And they reach out a friendly, welcome to strangers. How cool is that?
Manzanita Beach Life, east coast style.

The Pentagon Soccer Club lost a member during the 9/11 attack of the Pentagon, and many team members were personally touched by the event.
This 9/11, Dave would like everyone to stop a moment and remember those lost on 9/11, whether during the attacks or after.
He'll be at the Pentagon on Sunday to commemorate the anniversary in a private ceremony.
Where will you be on 9/11?
Wherever you are, give your loved ones a hug, offer smiles and hospitality to those you meet, and enjoy the beautiful day as summer comes to an end.
Thanks for stopping by.

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